Why Did Broward College Go Tobacco Free?

  • Most of Broward College students and employees are non smokers. In a 2012 survey conducted by a partnership of the American Lung Association, Transforming Our Community's Health (TOUCH) and the Broward Regional Health Planning Council, It was found that 75.3% of students, 71% of faculty and 75.8% of staff do not smoke.
  • Most Broward College students support a tobacco free policy. In the same 2012 study cited above, over 60% of Broward College students polled said they support a tobacco free policy.
  • Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Broward College cares about its staff, students and community. The adoption of a tobacco free campus policy shows that Broward College is working to provide an environment that encourages healthy behaviors for all who study, work and visit our campuses.
  • Second hand smoke is a health risk. Brief exposure to second hand smoke, is still harmful. Since 1964, approximately 2,500,000 nonsmokers have died from health problems associated with exposure to secondhand smoke. Adopting a tobacco free campus policy eliminates the risk of encountering second hand smoke on all of Broward College's campuses.
  • Eliminate Tobacco Litter on Campus. Cigarette butts contain the same toxic chemicals that are found in tobacco smoke. Butts left on the ground not only become an eyesore and take away from the well maintained look and beautification efforts of our campuses, but can release dangerous chemicals into waterways and can present a significant fire risk.